On April 18th we went to see Sir Elton John in concert. It was me, Mike, Hettie, Cousin Phil, Mom and of course....the guest of honor....my dad. Elton John has been my dads favorite singer forever and he had never seen Elton John in concert until Friday. Just to let you guys know that The Bitch is Back hat is I guess the name of his tour. I think its the name of a song also. The deal behind the hat was, my mom and dad had to sit seperate from me, Mike, Phil and Heather. So Mike and I decided that we would go buy my dad a shirt and take it over to him during the concert. So we did and we walked the shirt over to him and at the same time we handed him his shirt he handed Mike the same shirt and me that hat. It was hilarious. He loved the concert. You could see the excitement in his face. It really meant a lot to me to be able to give this gift to my dad. I feel like I am constantly trying to do things to make my dad either proud of me or just flat out...happy. I really think I did a good job with taking him to this concert. We had kind of a really rough weekend though. We left Atwater at 2:30pm and got to Bakersfield around 5:00. Then we left for dinner around 5:30 and left from dinner to get to the concert around 7:30 pm. The concert started at 8:00pm. The concert ended around 10:30pm. Elton John played the whole two and a half hours non stop. Well he did stop for like 10 minutes to sign autographs, but he never once left the stage. It was an awesome concert by the way. So we left the concert around 11:00. Then we had to stop at Wal-Mart to get a couple of items that we needed. So we got home around midnight. We ended up finally going to sleep around 12:30am. Mike didnt go to sleep till like 1:30am. We woke up around 4:30am to get ready so we could leave Bakersfield by 5:15 to get to Manteca for Heathers first game by 9:00am. Well we didnt end up leaving Bakersfield till almost 5:45am. So that put us a little behind. We made it to the game at 8:50am. We rushed to get there to have Heathers coach only play her 5 minutes in the first half and 5 minutes in the second half. Needless to say that we were all a little ticked off and still are a little ticked off about that whole thing. Anyways....Mike and I had to leave the game by 11:15 am to get to Atwater by 12:30pm to coach the softball team. We forgot that we had to get something to eat before we coached the game since we hadn't eaten all day. So we showed up to the game at 12:50pm. We lost our softball game because we only had 10 players. We tied our first soccer game 0-0 and we won our second soccer game 5-0. It was a long weekend for the grandparents also. They stayed out there with Heather in Manteca while we coached the softball game. We all met at home around 5:oo Saturday night to have pizza for dinner and everyone just looked beat. We have the greatest parents in the world. Heather is pretty lucky to have such great grandparents. So...basically what I am trying to get at is....that no matter what we did this weekend, it was totally worth it to see my dad that happy!
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