What can I say about my little Hettie. She sure has grown up a lot in the past few years. I've always known that she was going to be taller than most kids, but lets be realistic, she is only 11 and is the same height as me. Is she going to get any taller? More than likely. I remember when I took Hettie to the doctor for a regular doctor visit when she was younger and the doctor told us that by the rate that she is growing she will probably be around 5'8" or 5'9". So we'll have to see how close the doctor is. Heather is keeping us very busy, with her playing softball and Maribel and I coaching and playing for the Modesto Ajax, we really don't have much time for anything else. My little Hettie's birthday is coming up. Its on March 27th. She will be 12 years old. We are having a birthday party for her at the park where we will play softball and kickball and soccer and have some relay races and bar-b-q, so it should be a lot of fun. I just want Hettie to know that we are soooo proud of you, you make everyday more enjoyable and you are always a pleasure to be around. Keep Smiling Sweetheart.
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